Don't forget your kayak paddle!

Harmony, Bending Branches, Wilderness Systems, Aqua BoundDescription
Wind’s Up! stocks a nice selection of quality kayak paddles of various brands. Treat yourself to a super light fiberglass paddle, or the unparalleled performance of carbon fiber.
Name (Shaft Material / Blade Material) Price
Splash Kid’s Paddle (Aluminum / Plastic) 69.95
Drifter (Aluminum / Plastic) 59.99
Bounce (Aluminum / Plastic) 89.95
Sunrise (Fiberglass / Plastic) 129.95
Origin (Carbon Blend / Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon) 174.99
Eagle Ray Hybrid (100% Carbon / Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon) 169.95
Tango Glass (T700 Carbon / Compression Molded Fiberglass) 339.95
Pungo Glass (50% Carbon Blend / Fiberglass) 349.99
Tango Carbon (T700 Carbon / Compression Molded Carbon) 399.95
Apex Carbon (100% Carbon / Carbon Foam Core) 479.99